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Religion, Esotericism, Psychology

The first Hebrew word inscribed into the sacred scriptures is BERESHITH בראשית. The three middle letters in the Hebrew word BERESHITH בראשית spells out the Hebrew letter/word RESH ראש that symbolizes HEAD/SKULL. And the first and last two Hebrew letters in the Hebrew word BERESHITH בראשית spells out the Hebrew letter/word BETH בית that symbolizes HOUSE. That is why I translated the Hebrew word BERESHITH בראשית: THE HUMAN SKULL IS THE HOUSE OF GOD.

It is quite interesting to envisage that the first two Hebrew letters: BETH ב and RESH ר in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures spells out the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH בראשית.

“In the Beginning” was considered in antiquity and in modern times to be the interpretation of the Hebrew word BERESHITH בראשית. In this volume I will illustrate that the first letter of the BIBLE BETH בית; though, it is not translated as “in the Beginning” it does mystically symbolize the phrase “In the Beginning”. The first chapter of Genesis is a commentary on the first Hebrew letter BETH בית and it is also a commentary on the VESICA PISCIS.

The first Hebrew letter of the Bible BETH בית is mystically inundated and surrounded by another Hebrew letter called PEI פ that cannot be seen, which, is literally invisible for anybody to see. PEI פ has the gematria (numerical) value of eighty (80). And BETH בית has the gematria (numerical) value of forty-hundred and twelve (412). The first chapter of Genesis has sixty-nine (69) groups of one-hundred and forty-two (142) Hebrew words held together by eighty (80) hyphens; however, the number one-hundred and forty-two (142) is a transposition of the number four-hundred and twelve (412). Chapter six (6) will illustrate the sixty-nine (69) groups of words colored coded in orange. The number sixty-nine (69) is a very spiritual number, which will be discussed later in this volume. Chapter six (6) is written with Hebrew and English words with STRONGS EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE’S numbers placed over the Hebrew and English words.